CSS Complete

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. In brevity, CSS is the designing language that makes a website look Elegant, Enchanting and Engaging. Without CSS, HTML will only produce texts which are dull and unappealing. Maingly because,HTML deals only textual content and its structure and how to place them on the browser. Apart from a few basic inline styles, nothing inspiring can be obtained from the mere use of HTML. In layman's term, HTML is the skeleton while CSS is the Skin and Flesh.

Watch CSS Introduction Video Lesson.Click Here

How to Link the CSS file with HTML document file?

This is a very important step. Because you might code the best User Interface possible, but if your linking is incorrect or if it is not done properly, then the HTML file is not going to be communicating with the CSS file. This would mean that the page wouldn't get displayed in the manner that you had wanted it to be displayed. This can be very frustrating and there are plenty of places were bugs can crawl in.

Watch-How to Link the CSS file with HTML- Video.Click Here

How to Link the CSS file with HTML document file?

This is a very important step. Because you might code the best User Interface possible, but if your linking is incorrect or if it is not done properly, then the HTML file is not going to be communicating with the CSS file. This would mean that the page wouldn't get displayed in the manner that you had wanted it to be displayed. This can be very frustrating and there are plenty of places were bugs can crawl in.

Watch-How to Link the CSS file with HTML- Video.Click Here

What are the Types CSS Selectors available?

When you want to Style the HTML document there are many ways by which you can Select the concerned element in CSS. Herein below we give the different types of CSS Selectors available. Element Selector
Id Selector
Class Selector
Universal Selector
Group Selector

What are CSS Element Selectors?

Here you Exclusively target the concerned Element present in the HTML document. All you need to do is to specify the Element followed by the Styling attributes placed within parenthesis

Watch-How to use Element Selector- Video.Click Here

What are CSS ID Selectors?

Here you Exclusively target the concerned Element using its ID. This happens when you have the same Element occuring many times in a page and that you would want individual styles for each of the Element. In order to achieve this, we give each of these Elements a unique ID and then Target them using CSS ID Selector property.

Watch-How to use Element Selector- Video.Click Here

What are CSS Pseudo Selectors?

Pseudo selectors are CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. Some of the Pseudo Selectors are.


Watch-How to use Element Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use :hover Pseudo Selector?

In this example you will learn how to use :hover Pseudo selector in conjunction with the div tag.

Watch-How to use Element Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use :link,:visited,:active Pseudo Selectors?

In this example you will learn how to use the above mentioned Pseudo selectors.

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to Create a WebPage Using Class Selectors ?

Watch-How to do this- Video.Click Here

What is Adjacent Sibling Selector and how to use it?

In CSS we use the Adjacent Sibling Selector, to select an element that is directly present just after another specific element, and that these elements share the same characterisitcs. The very word "adjacent" means "next to".

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use the Child and Descendent Selector?

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use Attribute Selector-Example 1?

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use Attribute Selector-Example 2?

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to use Attribute Selector-Example 3?

Watch-How to use this Selector- Video.Click Here

How to Create a WebPage Using Attribute Selectors,?

Watch-How to do this- Video.Click Here

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How to Create CSS-Animation Using Selectors ?

Watch-How to do this- Video.Click Here

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How to Apply Margin and Padding in CSS ?

Marging and Padding are very essential for any styling and without proper Margins and Paddings, a page would look ugly and disorganized. Hence learning how to apply effective Marging and Padding forms an art within itself.

Watch-How to use Margin properties- Video.Click Here

How to some Special cases in Margin and Padding in CSS ?

In this Lesson you will learn some special cases to apply Margin and Padding in CSS.

Watch-How to use some Special Margin and Padding properties- Video.Click Here

How to use Line Height and Height in CSS ?

Learn the Difference between Line-Height and Height in CSS

Watch-This Lesson- Video.Click Here

How to use CSS-BOX Model ?

Learn about the CSS Box Model

Watch-This Lesson- Video.Click Here

How to use Visibility and Display in CSS ?

Learn when to use Visibility and when to use Display in CSS

Watch-This Lesson- Video.Click Here


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How To Create a Customer Contact Form ?

Watch-How to do this- Video.Click Here

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